Monday 18 April 2016

Pure cure:How to cure fits

What is the reason of fits.?

When the flow of waste particles increase in the blindgut,the blindgut trys to push out waste particles from the body.During the time of push out there is fits occur in the hands and legs of the body.

How to cure fits?

By removing the sour energy from the stomach we the cure the fits difinitely.For that you have to take bath by applying sesame oil and then soap-pod wattle in the head and the body regularly.

For the imminent relife:

                     Apply the sesame oil in your under belly and then sink a cloth in the hot water and then squeeze it.And then fomentation on the under belly.
Do this for 3 times a day for two weeks and the fits will be cured completely.

What to do when the fits patient troubles in fits?

                    Keep your hand on the underbelly of the patient and shake it as right and left for 1 mins.By doing this fits stops immediately and there is a definite chance to the patient to walk along.


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