Thursday 14 July 2016

Amazing benefits of skin icing

Skin  Icing is an amazing technique which has been used in spas and skin care treatments because  of its numerous skin benefits.

1. Makes your skin glow:
                Skin icing improves the blood circulation, giving your face a natural  , fresh glow. Just try it out and watch the compliments pile up!

2 .Reduces stains:
                Skin icing is also beneficial if you have   problems with blemishes, pimples, redness and skin inflammation. You can treat acne as well by applying ice cubes on   them. Just place an ice cube and hold it for few seconds until the skin gets numb. Repeat the process every day, before you go to bed.

3 .Eliminates dark circles:
                If you have dark circles under the eyes you can use the mixture of frozen water with cucumber juice to eliminate them.

4. Skin toning:
                Skin  icing is a cheap skin toner  and works great when applied before make up. It  minimizes the pores underneath the makeup ,and the foundation looks smooth and flawless. Try icing your face and then apply your primer

5. An excellent substitute for make up:
                Whenever you are in a hurry and don’t have time to apply makeup, skin icing can give a refresh look .wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and run them over  your face. It ‘ll make your skin radiant and fresh- as natural..

6.Wrinkle prevention:
                It reduce the wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new wrinkle.

Things to remember while skin icing:

                If you have damaged capillaries ,this technique is not recommended. Don’t keep  ice more than 15 minutes.

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