Thursday 28 July 2016

Benefits of Black coffee

Fat, Calories and Nutrients
An 8-ounce cup of black coffee contains just 2 calories and 0 grams of fat. The same cup of coffee contains tiny doses of calcium for strong bones and potassium to keep your heart beat regular.

 Black coffee for Weight loss
Black Coffee is often discussed for its addiction and side effects, but what if someone says that its good for health. You might be surprised but YES. But this "YES" comes with some conditions.

Caffeine burns Fat

Caffeine is an important part of Coffee but is famous for its negative effects, and doctors often advice pregnant and breastfeeding women to keep themselves away from it. But they same Caffeine can help you in burning fat. Caffeine stimulates an engyme named lipase, which helps breaking down fat during digestion.

Chlorogenic Acid another thing to Loose Weight

Chlorogenic Acid is another thing present in Black Coffee which helps in burning fat. It works works just same as caffeine. Joint efforts by Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid creates more slimming effect.

Caffeine is a diuretic

Caffeine acts as a diuretic. Diuretic is something that can dilute the fluids of body. Thus it helps in removing toxins out of body. Removal of toxins also helps in weight loss.

Black coffee for Cancer
The compounds in coffee might help prevent cancer. The Harvard Health Letter reported in its  issue that researchers at Harvard Medical School found that drinking coffee might reduce your risk of liver cancer by 50 percent compared to people who don't drink coffee. The compounds in coffee might also reduce your risk of colon, breast and rectal cancer.
            While a number of individual studies have suggested coffee consumption might increase your cancer risk, when multiple studies are analyzed, such as is the case with meta-analyses, the association disappears, and, in fact, becomes protective.
For instance, one 2007 meta-analysis found an increase in consumption of two cups of coffee per day was associated with a 43 percent reduced risk of liver cancer – a finding that has been confirmed by more recent research.

·    coffee appears to have additional benefits for liver health, slowing down the progression of liver disease to cirrhosis, improving responses in people with hepatitis C, and lowering the risk of death in people with cirrhosis.
·   The potential benefit of coffee for liver health appears so strong that researchers have stated daily coffee consumption should be encouraged in people with chronic liver disease.
·   Another meta-analysis involving 59 studies revealed an increase in consumption of one cup of coffee per day was associated with a 3 percent reduced risk of cancers. According to the researchers:
·   “[C]offee drinking was associated with a reduced risk of bladder, breast, buccal and pharyngeal, colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, hepatocellular, leukemic, pancreatic, and prostate cancers.”
·    There’s even research showing coffee consumption could lower your risk of skin cancer. Drinking four cups of caffeinated coffee daily might reduce your risk of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer.
·   “[C]offee constituents suppress UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis, induce cell apoptosis, protect against oxidative stress and DNA damage, reduce inflammation in epidermal cells, and inhibit changes in DNA methylation.”
·   Women who consumed more than three cups of coffee a day had a significantly lower risk of basal cell carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancer) than those who consumed less than one cup per month.

·   Polyphenols in coffee, such as lignan phytoestrogens, flavonoids, and polyphenols are also known to have anti-cancer properties, as does caffeic acid, which inactivates several pathways involved in the development of tumors – including cell cycle regulation, inflammatory and stress response, and apoptosis

Antioxidant Benefits

The antioxidants that a cup of black coffee contains offers you many protective benefits. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics s claims that based on the amount of coffee consumed by Americans, it is one of the greatest sources of antioxidants their diet. In addition to antioxidants, coffee contains the essential nutrients chromium, potassium, niacin, vitamin E and magnesium. Coffee consumption alone can supply up to 8 percent of your chromium needs. Chromium plays a role in controlling your blood sugar and possibly lowering your LDL, or bad cholesterol. Much like tea, coffee contains plant chemical compounds, particularly flavonoids, which have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic disease
 A  study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" reports that drinking coffee reduces inflammation levels in your body, which can reduce your risk of heart disease. A  article published in the "Journal of Nutrition" notes that the antioxidants in coffee can help reduce your risk of certain degenerative diseases. The article also reports that the level of antioxidants in coffee is higher than the levels in wine, tea, fruits and vegetables. Coffee might also protect you against Parkinson's disease and Type 2 diabetes
Improved cognitive function

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' spokeswoman and registered dietitian Joan Salge Blake says she considers increased cognitive function to be one of coffee's healthiest perks. A study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology"  found that current coffee consumption, as well lifetime caffeine use, may be correlated to better performance on cognitive tests among women. For men, coffee consumption is linked to slower cognitive decline. Overall, coffee may reduce both cognitive and motor deficiency associated with aging.
Caffeine promotes production of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, and triggers the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, thereby improving your brain health.

Among people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), those with higher blood levels of caffeine (due to coffee consumption) were less likely to progress to full-blown
 dementia. “Caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed onset, particularly for those who already have MCI,” the researchers said.

Reduced Diabetes Risk

Coffee contains ingredients that both lower your blood sugar and increase your resting metabolic rate, reducing your risk for diabetes. Additionally, nutrients in coffee help your body use insulin, a hormone necessary to use and store sugar you get from food. Substantial coffee drinkers, of either regular or decaffeinated coffee, could be half as likely to develop diabetes than those who drink little to no coffee. The association between coffee intake and diabetes proposes that each cup of coffee you drink per day, could result in a 7 percent reduction in your risk for developing diabetes.

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