Monday 25 July 2016

How to spot a liar by his body language

Statistics about lying

Today we can see the statistics about lying
  • More than 80% of women admit to occasionally telling what they consider harmless half-truths.
  • 31% of people admit to lying on their resumes.
  • 13% of patients lie to their doctor according to a study of nearly 1500 respondents.
  • 32% say they "stretched the truth"when giving their doctors personal information.
  • Nearly 40% lied about following a doctor's treatment plan and more than 30% lied about their diet and exercise regimens.
  • 60% of people lie at least once during a 10 min conversation and on average tell two to threee lies.
  • People lie more often over the telephone than in any other form of communication.
  • On average,men tell six lies per say to their partner,boss and work colleagues,but women tell just three.
  • The most common lie told by both men and female was"Nothing's wrong.i'm fine".

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