Tuesday 10 January 2017

Things to do while driving in fog and mist

  • Drive cautiously at speed that suits the conditions and halting slow down gradually.
  • Do make sure that all the full lighting systems of your vehicle are on and are functioning properly.
  • If you have fog lights on your vehicle use them,in addition to your low beam.
  • Do remember to use your low-beam headlights as high beams lights reflect off the moisture droplets in the fog,making it harder to see.
  • Do pay attention on pavement marking to help guide you while driving.Use the left edge of the road as guide,rather than the center line.
  • Be attentive while driving avoid loud music dont use cell phone ,look and listen for any hazards that may be ahead.
  • Increase  your following distance.you will need extra distance to brake safely.\
  • Keep your windows and mirrors clean.Use your defroster and wipers to maximize your vision.
  • If the fog is too dense to continue,pull completely off the road and try to position your vehicle in safe parking area.Trun on your emergency flashers,in addition to keeping on your low beam headlights.   

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