Wednesday 15 March 2017

Some creative ideas for children for summer vacation

Its the time,the summer vacation is going to start now.Here some ideas are given while your children says"i am bored"
  • Count how many times you can spin in a circle without getting dizzy.
  • Make fruit kabobs.
  • Create a smores station.
  • Draw murals with sidewalk chalk.
  • Play lily pad leap with small rugs and towels strategically placed throughout the playroom.
  • Construct an indoor obstacle course.
  • Choreograph a dance routine.
  • Make bath fizzies by combining citric acid,baking soda and cornstarch.
  • Pull out some old socks and draw faces on them to make sock puppets then put on a show.
  • Make friendship bracelet.   
  • Exercise those finger painting skills.
  • Pull out twister.
  • Practice saying the 50 states in alphabetical order.
  • Take silly picture with camera.
  • Make up your own mad libs.
  • Host an at-home field day,complete with tug of war and team colors.
  • Explore small areas of nature with a magnifying glass.
  • Experiment with science.Make a papier mch volcano and mix baking soda and vineger for an explosive reaction.
  • Learn new card game.
  • Partake in brain teasers such as sudoku,crossword puzzles and word searches.
  • Setup up the basketball game or just shoot hoops.

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