Thursday 25 February 2016

today recipe mushroom 65

There are a few things that I would not mind repeatedly mentioning about, in my mushroom posts. Mushrooms are so rich in antioxidants and tasty but you have to be very careful in picking and storing them. When you purchase mushrooms from the market make sure to double check whether they are fresh and free of too many black spots on them.
Now let’s see how to make this delicious, juicy and crispy 65 recipe. 

Serves one person
Total Preparation Time - 10 minutes 

1.                 Button mushroom - 100 grams (6 to 8 mushrooms)
2.                 Maida / All purpose flour - 1/2 cup 
3.                 Rice flour - 1/2 cup
4.                 Red chilli powder - 2 teaspoons (or a tablespoon)
5.                 Cumin powder - 2 teaspoons 
6.                 Fennel powder - 1/2 teaspoon (or 1/2 teaspoon crushed fennel seeds)
7.                 Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
8.                 Red food color - A few pinches
9.                 Salt - As per taste 
10.            Oil - For deep frying 

Wash and wipe mushrooms using a clean cloth to remove dirt. Then each mushroom into four or two pieces. 
Take a bowl and add maida, rice flour, red chilli powder, cumin powder, fennel powder and salt mix well. Then pour about 150 ml of water and mix well see that there are no lumps and the batter is thick enough to coat the mushrooms. Then add lemon juice and stir well. Add a few pinches of red food color if you wish to make it look brighter but I personally do not prefer it. I have added it here to just make photographs look better. 
Place a pan on flame and pour enough oil to deep fry the mushroom pieces. 
Wait until the oil turns hot. Then dip mushroom pieces in batter coat them all sides and slide into the hot oil. Deep fry until they turn crisp and reddish. 
Remove from flame using a slotted spoon. 
Serve hot with lemon wedges and onion slices.

TIP 1: Instead of maida and rice flour you can add corn flour in equal quantity. 

TIP 2: If you’re mushroom turns soggy after a while just re-fry them in hot oil. It will turn crispy again and stay so for longer time

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