Friday 19 February 2016

Easy balloon rocket

Fun and enjoyable school project


  • 1 balloon(round ones will work,but the longer"airship"ballons work best).
  • 1 long piece of kite string(10-15 feet long).
  • 1 plastic straw.
  • tape.

How to do it

  • Tie one end of the string to a door knob or other support.
  • Put the other end of the string through the straw.
  • Pull the string tight and tie it to another support in the room.
  • Blow up the balloon.Pinch the end of the balloon and tape the balloon to the straw as shown above.You're ready for launch.
  • Now enjoy the rocket fly.

How does it works

It's all about the air and thrust.As the air rushes out of the balloon,its creates a forward motion called THRUST.Thrust is a pushing force created by energy.In the balloon experiment the thrust comes from the energy of balloon forcing the air out.This the same concept happening in the real rocket,in the real rocket the thrust is created by the force of burning rocket fuel as it blasts from the rocket engine. 

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