Thursday 26 May 2016

Reduces the weight in your face

How to lose weight in your face

If you feel that your face is carrying more weight than you'd like,it is possible to change its appearance.In some cases your facial weight may be result of genetics.If you are over weight this will impact your facial fat distribution as well as your body and dieting healthy is the best course of action. 

Look in the mirror.

If you have a normal size body but feel that your face is not slim,consider whether you might have a distorted notion of your proportions.
  1. Look at closely related family members do they have the same facial proportions as may have a genetic predisposition to a certain layout of weight around your  face.
  2. Is your face"puffy",as opposed to being fat,puffiness can be caused by poor nutrition,salty foods,lack of sleep,alcohol or drub intake,lack of exercise etc.
  3. Talk to your doctor,He or she will be able to reassure you as to what facial fat proportions are appropriate.Also your doctor can discard possible problems such as edema.

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