Tuesday 2 August 2016

Teach your children

How to teach children to tell the truth

Keep you cool

When your kids tell a lie,your first reaction might be anger,step back and remember that your children are still learning.When we get angry and serve up a punishment,the children don't get benefit of learning moment we can provide by discussing why lying is wrong and telling truth is right.

 Don't set traps

If you already know that your child was dis honest,asking them the question sets up a stage for telling lies.Better to tell your child this is what you saw and that is why it's wrong and how you can make it right.That's  your child know that you are on their side.

Avoid labels

Make sure your children know that you don't like it when they lie,however refrain from calling them liars.children tend it live up to lables whether they are positive or negative.

Praise truth telling

When your children tell the truth,let them know how much you appreciate their courage and their honesty.Let them know"i know it can be difficult to tell the truth.i'm so proud of you and really like it when you are honest with me.

Give them a chance for do-over

If you catch your child in a lie,give them a chance to back up and tell the truth.it's about learning.Children need to understand that they can make mistakes and they can make things right.

Why are they lying?

Whats so important that they are lying to you about it?
when you find out the reasons for your child's behavior you can help them think through better ways of coping with the situation the next time.

Set a good example:

Parents can be caught in lies too.Be sure to demonstrate what honesty looks like even when you know you can get away with lying.We can't expect our children to be honest when we are lying.

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