Sunday 12 March 2017

Skin uses in coconut oil

Natural skin moisturizer:

Using coconut oil for skin health works well as a moisturizer for your face.It absorbs quickly and in non-greasy.At room temperature coconut is a solid, but quickly melts when it comes into contact with hands.Before bed,wash your face and pat dry.Warm a dollop the size of a pea in your hands and rub in a circular motion into face.Let sit for 5 minutes and then wipe off what is still on the surface. 

Wrinkle reducer

For of concern around eyes,dab just a touch around the eyes to help fight prematuring aging.Leave the oil on overnight to soak in,and wake up looking refreshed.Combine with frankincense oil for additional benefits.

Natural makeup remover

Just a small dab of coconut oil will quickly liquefy eye makeup,making it easy to wipe off.Rub coconut oil gently onto the upper lids and lower lids in the circular motion.Wipe off with a warm cloth.The benefit over commercial eye makeup remover is that coconut oil will not sting or irritate eyes and it helps to hydrate around the eyes. 

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